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National Creative Wellbeing Programme

The National Creative Wellbeing Programme is a way for our blind veterans across the UK to stay connected.

With many of our veterans already experiencing loneliness, the Covid-19 pandemic left them even more isolated. We wanted to come up with a way to keep our veterans connected to each other and the world around them. So, in September 2020, we launched the National Creative Wellbeing Programme to help combat social isolation. Through this project, we connect our veterans remotely and get them involved in group activities from their homes. 

There are three parts to the project:

Creative activities

We deliver activity packs right to our veterans' doors. Right now, we are offering art and craft, written and spoken word, and gardening activities, among others. 

Creative book

The creative book is a place where our veterans, volunteers and staff can document their experiences during Covid-19. Some have submitted creative writing passages, others have taken photographs and others have recorded pieces of music. The book will be treasured in our archives for many years to come.

Creative hobby circles

We host virtual get-togethers for our veterans, either via telephone or video call. They get to chat to other beneficiaries who enjoy similar hobbies, and share the progress they've made with their activity packs. 

"One of the most positive things that’s come out of lockdown."
Blind veteran

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