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Thousands of planes assisted the convoy from the air. 

The airborne assault began before D-Day, to clear the skies ready for 6 June. On the day itself, the RAF carried out bombing missions, flew parachute regiments and strategic personnel inland, dropped supplies and towed gliders.  

Meet our RAF veterans

Eighty years ago, airmen Syd, Harry and John supported the invasion. They were just 21, 24 and 21 years old respectively.

Listen to Harry's recollections of his D-Day experience

Harry's logbook

Key to the smooth-running of the operation behind the scenes, Harry's role was to fly the officers to where they needed to be. He recorded every flight he took in his logbook - including his extremely busy schedule on 6 June 1944.

Read Harry's D-Day story
A page from Harry's logbook for June 1944

Syd's wartime photos

View From Syd's Plane - D-Day
Syd's photo of the Gliders - D-Day
Syd's Squadron - D-Day
Read Syd's D-Day story

Donate now

It's been 80 years since D-Day but our blind veterans are still having to fight for their independence. Sight loss can be desperately isolating for the elderly and without the right equipment and support, our D-Day heroes will be unable to leave their homes.

Please be there for them today. 

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