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Ninety year old successfully scales ship’s mast

Published on 17 Sept 2024

At 90-years-old, Kelso, from County Durham, has successfully climbed the mast of the Cutty Sark to raise money for our blind veterans.

Kelso, who has been a supporter of our charity for many years, took on the challenge on 28 September.

A photograph taken from the ground of Kelso up high on the mast, halfway along the yard arm
Kelso making his way along the yard arm of the mast
Kelso wearing a helmet and harness is stood onboard the Cutty Sark ahead of his climb holding a Blind Veterans UK banner
Kelso all kitted up and ready to climb at the Cutty Sark
A photograph of Kelso taken by another person on the yard arm with him. In the background are the views across London
Kelso on the yard arm

The main mast of the Cutty Sark stands at 153 feet high. Kelso says:

“It was a spectacular experience. It is amazing to think that I did this at the age of 90 years and six months, the oldest person ever to climb the rigging.

“I’ve never done anything like this before and did not feel fearful. It was just a case of one foot after the other. The highlight was reaching the yard arm and walking out to the most spectacular view over London.”

Love of ships

Kelso has been fascinated by the history of ships since he was a young boy. He says:

“One of my favourite books growing up was “Wonderful story of the sea” which told the history of ships and shipping from dugout canoes to early 20th century liners. I’ve spent much time visiting various ships around the world and when I retired, I fulfilled a promise to my grandchildren and built a pirate ship in the garden.
“I’m currently engrossed in the story of Franklin’s expedition which was dispatched by the admiralty in May 1845 to find and navigate the northwest passage. Two ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror sailed to Canada and were never seen again.
“When planning a trip to the Maritime Museum at Greenwich to gather more information about HMS Terror, I discovered the opportunity to climb the mast of the Cutty Sark, a challenge I could not refuse.”

Interest in military history

Together with his son, Kelso is a member of a local military re-enactment group, the 68th Society which portrays their local regiment, the Durham Light Infantry. He says:

“I have had a long-time interest in military history ever since discovering an ancestor who served with Wellington’s Army from 1807 to 1827. All of his time was served as a Private in the Royal Scots and he survived the Peninsula Campaign and the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.”

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