Supporter panel sign up page
Our supporter panel helps us improve how we communicate with our supporters, using your feedback, collected through surveys.
By giving us some of your time and sharing your views, you can help us continue serving our beneficiaries in the very best way possible.
Who can join the panel?
Anyone over the age of 16, who is interested in sharing their views with us to help improve how we communicate and work with our supporters.
We welcome those who already donate, volunteer or take part in events – as well as those who are interested in what we do, but have not yet actively supported us.
How does the supporter panel work?
No more than once a month, you’ll receive an email inviting you to take part in a new survey. Clicking on the link in the email will take you to the survey – which might be formed of several multiple choice questions or ask you to look at some artwork or watch a new video we’re working on and then tell us what you thought.
You can take part in as many of these surveys as you like, or leave the panel at any time.
You will also receive regular emails from us giving you a summary or overview of the findings from previous surveys.
How much time will this take?
Each survey will vary in terms of time commitment and you will be given an estimated time when invited to participate.
If you have any queries or requests, please email us or call 0300 111 22 33.
Read more
About us
Find out about what our charity does, who we are and the impact we have on blind veterans' lives.

Help & info
Find out what we do for veterans, if you're eligible for our support, and get advice on dealing with sight loss.

Support us
We need your help to change blind veterans' lives. Find out more about how you can donate, fundraise or volunteer.

Sign up for email updates
We would love to send you updates about our work and how you can support us.
You can change your contact preferences at any time by calling us on 0300 111 2233 or emailing us. See our privacy policy for more details.