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Every Penny Counts - coin collection challenge

Recycle and raise funds with this sustainable fundraising activity.

Image of blind veteran John holding his Every Penny Counts coin collectors.  To the left are the words 'Do it for veterans!'

Join John's coin collection challenge

Keen to play a part in raising funds to ensure blind veterans like himself could receive vital support, John has found a way to ensure everyone can play a small part in making a big difference.

Read John's story
Two milk cartons with 'every penny helps' wrote on a label alongside a bag of coins and a rainbow graphic
John's milk cartons with labels and the money he's raised so far.

How do I take part?

Sign up to access our Every Penny Counts resources and access everything you need to turn an empty milk carton into a coin collection device. 

Use the pre-coloured label template to produce a quick and simple addition to your kitchen counter top or office break room and gather your loose change or donations from family, friends and colleagues.  

Use our black and white label template and design ideas (available once sign up complete) to turn this fundraising activity into a classroom art activity or rainy day family fun. 

How much does it cost? 💷

Nothing. Sign up is free and all the items you need can be found around the house - frugal fundraising that's also kind to the planet!  

How much do I have to raise?

There is no set target with this activity. 'Every Penny Counts' - if we all work together, a little will go along way!

Sign up for Every Penny Counts

Sign up today to receive access to label templates, design ideas and support with your fundraising.

Your impact

Supporters like you play a huge role in raising the vital funds we need to support isolated blind veterans.

12,441 befriending telephone calls made to veterans in the past year
Icon of a person talking on a smartphone
184 online social groups held in the past year, so our veterans could stay connected and combat isolation
Icon of a computer screen with a video call of four people
Many thousands

of blind veterans across the UK still need our support

Icon of a blind veteran walking with a cane
Find out more about our impact

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