Keeping it legal

It can be great fun to raise money for a worthy cause like Blind Veterans UK, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure your event is safe and legal.
The government has a handy guide on organising your own fundraising event, and you can find more advice from our fundraising team below.
Raffles, lotteries, prize draws and anything else where the result is purely down to luck are all covered by legislation.
Small raffles that are part of a bigger event don’t need a licence, as long as there are no cash prizes and you sell tickets at the same event as the prize draw. If you’re planning to sell tickets in advance or to the public, you’ll need a licence.
Contact the licensing department of your local authority to enquire about legislation and licensing in your area.
If you’re planning a fundraising collection on private property, like a pub or a shopping centre, you need to get permission from the owner or manager.
If you want to hold a street collection, you need a licence. Speak to the licensing department of your local authority. It can take weeks for a permit to be issued, so make sure you apply in advance.
If you want to collect money door to door, you need a licence. Speak to the licensing department of your local authority.
Please email us if you’re planning a collection and we can give you all the support and fundraising materials you need to make it a success.
If you are organising an overseas challenge, you need to make it clear if some of the money you raise is going towards the cost of the trip. You should include the exact amount you are using to fund the trip on your sponsorship form or online fundraising page.
You can use the following wording:
Each participant must raise a minimum of £X for [insert name and date of challenge]. At least X% of this money will go to Blind Veterans UK, with the balance spent on the costs of the participant’s trip. However, 100% of any sum raised over £X will go to Blind Veterans UK.
You may need public liability insurance if you’re holding a fundraising event. You are responsible for making sure your event doesn’t pose a risk to anyone, and you need to make sure you’re covered if something happens. Contact your insurer or speak to the manager of the venue you’re holding your event in. You may be covered by the venue’s insurance if you provide them with a risk assessment for your event.
You can find more information about public liability insurance and finding an insurance broker at
If you’re putting on entertainment or selling alcohol, you are likely to need a public entertainment licence from your local authority. If you’re hiring a venue, check if they already have a licence that will cover your event. It can take weeks for a licence to be issued, so make sure you apply in advance.
Read this guide to see if you need an entertainment licence.
The health and safety of anyone attending your fundraising event is your responsibility. Ask yourself the following questions when you’re planning your event:
- Are you holding your event in a venue and does it need a risk assessment?
- Do you need first aid support?
- Are you selling or providing food and drink? Read the Food Standards Agency’s on food at charity events.
- Are you selling alcohol? Ensure proof of age measures are in place to prevent underage drinking.
- Are you handling any money securely and legally? Read the Fundraising Regulator’s guidance on processing donations.
If you have any questions, email us for more information.
Read more
Fundraising tips
Take a look at our top tips to make your fundraising activity a success and maximise your donations.

Pay in your fundraising
Have you raised money for Blind Veterans UK? Find out how to send it to us, so we can use it to help those in need.

Give me some ideas
Do you want to help us raise money, but aren't sure what to do? Get some inspiration from our fundraising ideas.

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