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The impact your gift will have

Blind veteran Simon pictured with his arm around fellow blind veteran Tony, they're both smiling as they sit in front of a sign that reads "Lest We Forget"

Your legacy for blind veterans into the future.

A gift in your Will provides lifelong support and rehabilitation for veterans with sight loss. It gives them a future where they can live the life they choose. A life of independence and fulfilment.

We depend on these gifts to continue our work. The funding we receive means that, year on year, we can reach more blind veterans, give them a future of opportunity, and help them to achieve victory over sight loss.

Find out below just how important these special gifts are to blind veterans.

Meet Rob

“My life has been rebuilt by gifts in Wills.”

These incredible gifts are vital to Blind Veterans UK to ensure that the skills and experience the charity has gained since 1915 are never lost.

While in Afghanistan in 2010, Rob suffered severe head and facial injuries when an improvised explosive device went off. One of his eyes was destroyed immediately, while the other was so badly damaged that it was later removed in hospital.

“The rehabilitation and support that Blind Veterans UK offers is huge. I don't know where I'd be without it. There was no other organisation that could have brought me back to the world.

“I’ve left a gift in my own Will to ensure that support is available for blind veterans long into the future. Leaving a gift in your Will, after you’ve taken care of your own loved ones like I have, will help make sure help is there for future blind veterans when they need it.”

Read more about Rob’s story
Blind veteran Rob in his garden
Blind veteran Rob in his garden
Did you know? Gifts in Wills fund the support for five in ten of our blind veterans. Your gift really will make a difference.

Request your gifts in Wills guide

Learn how these special gifts build a better future for blind veterans and receive all the information you need when considering a gift in your Will.

The greatest impact possible

Blind veterans’ needs are at the heart of everything we do. As we’ve transitioned out of the pandemic, we’ve adapted our services to ensure they continue to receive our support exactly where they need it. Whether in their community, at our wellbeing centres or virtually, we’re here to support them in the most effective way possible.

Find out how we spend each pound that we raise and the impact that our funds have on the lives of blind veterans.

Our impact
“I see how important gifts in Wills are and the remarkable impact they have in rebuilding the lives of blind veterans. These gifts ensure that the charity can be there for veterans both today and tomorrow."
Tim Seal, Trustee
Tim Seal
Army Reservist, Deputy Commander 1st Division, and Blind Veterans UK Trustee

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