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We are undertaking a comprehensive review of our services to ensure that the support we provide to you is properly prioritised and focused and allows Blind Veterans UK to be financially sustainable so we can continue to support our Members for years to come.

We want to hear your views and would like to invite you to take part in our Member Survey for 2024. Please share your views on what it means to you to be a Member of Blind Veterans UK and how the charity might best support beneficiaries in the years ahead.

The questions have emerged from discussion at the recent Member Conference in May, and hope it will allow your voice to be heard so we can better understand what’s working well, where we could improve and to inform our plans for the future.

Member Survey

The survey can be completed online here.

It can also be completed over the phone with one of our support staff if you prefer.

Call: 01273 391 447 for assistance.

Please note: if you receive the survey in print format also, you don’t need to complete it twice. We are using the services of an external research organisation, The Survey Initiative. Your replies are given in total confidence.


Why am I being asked to complete the Member Survey? What’s it for?

Chief Executive Adrian Bell has spoken recently in the Review Magazine about the charity’s need to bring our budget into balance and look at how we can deliver support to existing and future beneficiaries from a finically sustainable position.

Part of this is to garner as many views as possible from our Members on the future of Blind Veterans UK. This new survey provides you with the opportunity to share your views on what it means to you to be a Member of Blind Veterans UK and how the charity might best support beneficiaries in the years ahead. 

How have the questions been created?

In May, Adrian also spoke at a Conference of Members, which was attended by almost 70 Members and partners/carers.  We came together to discuss what it means to be a Member, what's important, and the impact of the support we provide to blind veterans and their families.  

The questions in this survey have emerged from this conference out the ideas from Members in attendance.

Who’s being asked to do the Member Survey?

All Members across the charity are being invited to take part.

Is the survey accessible for people with VI?

All Members are being invited to take part in the survey depending on their preferred format, whether that’s by post, via an online link in an e-mail, and the option of a telephone call.

How many questions are there?

There are 15 questions and it should only take 20 minutes to complete.

When must I complete the survey by?

Within the next two weeks. The closing date is 17 July.

I was involved in a survey earlier this year – is this a different one?

The survey we ran earlier in the year was our annual satisfaction survey. This is done by contacting 200 Members, representative of the whole Membership.

This New Member Survey we are running is separate to this and we’re keen to hear from as many Members as possible.

Who can help complete the Survey?

MeSH and Member Support teams are supporting Members to complete the survey on the phone if needed, along with The Survey Initiative.

Who are The Survey initiative?

The Survey Initiative are an independent survey company who have been providing confidential employee research surveys for over 30 years.

Is it confidential?

Yes, all responses will be anonymised, and no personal data recorded.

Who do I contact if I have other questions?

Please contact Member Support or MeSH in the first instance.
Member Support - Tel: 0800 389 79 79
MeSH - Tel: 01273 391 447

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